Suppose recent financial or personal hardship has left you struggling to afford your monthly mortgage payment. In that case, it is natural to suffer stress and anxiety over the prospect of losing your home in Fort Lauderdale. These hardships could be anything from losing your job or suffering a medical emergency to being called up for military deployment.
If you are having trouble making monthly mortgage payments, you should know that you have other options besides losing your home. You may be eligible to apply to a bank for a loan modification, providing you with a lower, more affordable monthly payment.
At Loan Lawyers, we have decades of experience helping Fort Lauderdale homeowners keep their homes by obtaining a loan modification. Let us help you through the loan modification process. We’ll fight on your behalf to reduce your monthly payments and keep your home.
Why Choose the Loan Modification Attorneys at Loan Lawyers?
What sets Loan Lawyers apart from other law firms and loan modification firms is that we are not only counselors and advisors but battle-proven litigators and trial lawyers. By developing our reputation as fighters, we have taken over 200 foreclosure cases to trial and have achieved tremendous results for our clients at trial and in settlement negotiations. We always aggressively fight for our client’s rights and are willing to go to trial if we have to. Therefore, we can get our clients the maximum loan modification benefit and recovery in their cases.
Loan Lawyers has successfully gotten over 2,000 loan modifications for our clients in Fort Lauderdale. Often clients come to us from other law firms or companies that could not get them loan modifications. We succeed where others fail based on our detailed knowledge of the laws about loan modifications. Most people need to be made aware and well-versed in the complex rules of RESPA (The Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act), a Federal Statute that details specific procedures and laws that banks and loan servicers must adhere to when processing loan modifications. Banks and Loan Servicers know that when Loan Lawyers are involved in the loan modification procedure, we will sue them and hold them accountable if they don’t follow the law.
Contact us now for a free consultation online or at our Fort Lauderdale office.
How Can a Fort Lauderdale Lawyer Help with Loan Modification?
Although the loan modification process is designed to be completed by the borrower without the need for legal assistance, there are many circumstances in which a lawyer can help with loan modification:
- You aren’t sure whether you should pursue a loan modification. If you have fallen behind on your monthly payments, but aren’t sure if a loan modification is the best option for you, a lawyer can help you understand your legal rights and your choices for resolving your debt, and advise you as to the best course of action for your particular situation. A loan modification lawyer can also recognize more favorable options than a loan modification, such as fighting foreclosure in court or pursuing a short sale or deed in lieu of foreclosure.
- You are having trouble filling out the mortgage modification application. If you are having trouble understanding the loan modification application process or if your financial situation is especially complicated, a loan modification attorney can help you fill out the application paperwork and assist you with presenting your best case for a loan modification.
- Your bank or its loan servicer violates the law. If your bank or its loan servicer violates the Florida laws governing loan modification applications or the laws governing foreclosure, an attorney can recognize the violation and help you enforce your rights. For example, you have a 120-day period following default before the bank can start foreclosure proceedings, and the bank cannot initiate a foreclosure while you have a pending loan modification application. Since it is extremely difficult to recover your home after a foreclosure is completed, a loan modification attorney can make sure your rights are enforced before things get to the point where you cannot recover your home.
- Your mortgage modification application is denied and you want to appeal. You will generally have the opportunity to appeal the decision if the bank or the loan servicer denies your application. A loan modification attorney may be able to point out facts or information in your favor that the bank or servicer overlooked in denying your application.
What are the Options for Loan Modifications in Florida?
Any homeowner who needs to lower their monthly mortgage payments could have multiple options for a loan modification. Some common options may include:
- Principal reduction. If you have cash or other liquid assets available, you can reduce your mortgage payments by lowering the principal left on your loan. By paying off a significant amount of the principal on your mortgage, you can renegotiate a much lower monthly payment for the remainder of the term of your mortgage.
- Lower interest rates. Qualify for a lower interest rate and have sufficient equity in your home. You can refinance your mortgage at a lower interest rate, reducing your monthly payments to a more manageable level.
- Extended loan terms. You may be able to negotiate to extend the time of your loan. By extending the time of the loan, you can reduce your monthly payments by spreading out the outstanding balance over a longer period. However, by extending the loan term, you will pay more in interest.
- Changing from adjustable to fixed rates. Many people apply for adjustable-rate mortgages, enticed by the low teaser rates and payments. Once the interest rate begins increasing, however, they often need help to afford the higher monthly payments. It may be possible to reduce monthly costs to a lower, more manageable amount by converting or refinancing your mortgage from an adjustable to a fixed-rate mortgage. This also has the benefit of allowing you to plan for the long term secure in the knowledge that your mortgage payment will not vary or gradually increase over the years.
- Postponement of payments. If you or a family member are experiencing a temporary hardship – such as losing your job, being temporarily disabled, suffering a medical emergency, or being called to military duty – you may be able to negotiate a temporary postponement or deferment of your mortgage payments. While this will allow you to stabilize your financial situation, bear in mind that postponing payments does not delay the interest. You will continue to accrue interest on the principal during your postponement, and this, in turn, will increase your monthly payments once the postponement period ends.