If I Cannot Afford to Pay My Mortgage How Can I Afford to Hire a Lawyer?

The truth is that it is often substantially cheaper to fight the foreclosure then to let the bank take the home away. By doing nothing, the bank may be able to take the home in a few months leaving you with moving costs and rent, often at a substantially less attractive living situation than you are currently experiencing. Not only that, but by walking away from the home, you may be subject to the bank suing you further on down the road for a deficiency judgment if you owe more than what your house is worth.

We have not only kept thousands of homeowners in their homes for years without paying their mortgages, but also have helped them procure substantial principal reductions enabling them to have significantly lower mortgage payments that they can afford. In addition, we sue banks for many violations under TILA, RESPA, FDCPA, FCCPA, FDUTPA, and other statutes, and have frequently recovered homeowners more money than what they have to pay us in legal fees. Furthermore we offer reduced legal fees and payment plans, charging homeowners in South Florida a fraction of what rent would cost.