Category: Foreclosure Defense

A man reading a foreclosure notice

There has been a large uptick in the number of commercial foreclosures that are in default.  Many office buildings, residential buildings, and shopping centers are at risk of being sold at a public foreclosure auction.  Many commercial mortgages are designed to bury the borrower with default interest, costs, special servicing…

Bankruptcy document folder with lawyer at the law firm.

A common legal procedure that helps individuals who have found themselves in a sizeable amount of debt is bankruptcy. While many people may frown when they hear the word “bankruptcy”, it is actually a legal right that all citizens of the U.S. have to gain a fresh start financially. When…

Florida business closed due to foreclosure

Loan Lawyers, LLC is licensed to practice law in the state of Florida. If you have a legal matter that you would like to discuss and you are NOT located in Florida, please contact your state’s Bar Association to get the information of a lawyer who can assist you in…