Category: Debt Relief


It is not uncommon here at Loan Lawyers to encounter well-meaning consumers who have been taken advantage of by unscrupulous payday lenders. These payday lenders commonly advertise their services as helpful “bridge loans” in order to deal with unexpected expenses or simply to get customers from one pay period to…


The vast majority of Americans are in debt. Some of these individuals will never seek any kind of legal assistance regarding their debt issues, however. They have a misconception that unless they are being sued or their debt is above some threshold limit, that there is nothing an attorney can…

falling money

Taxpayers have options if they need to remove a federal tax lien. When in the best interest of both the government and the taxpayer, there are alternatives for addressing a federal tax lien. The attorneys at Loan Lawyers may help any taxpayer negotiate a settlement with the IRS of any…

calculator taxes

When the IRS files a federal tax lien, it is asserting a legal claim against a taxpayer’s assets to collect an unpaid tax debt. The IRS sends Letter 3172, Notice of Federal Tax Lien and Right to a Hearing to the taxpayer to give public notice to all creditors that…

tax liens

It is important that taxpayers negotiate with the IRS to pay any delinquent tax debt, preferably before the IRS places a lien on property or worse, seizes it pursuant to its statutory authority to levy property. The attorneys at Loan Lawyers may help any taxpayer negotiate a settlement with the…


A federal tax lien is a legal claim by the federal government against a taxpayer’s property when he or she neglects or fails to pay a tax debt. After the IRS assesses liability by listing a balance due in its records and sending the taxpayer a Notice and Demand for Payment, it…