

The filing of a bankruptcy can be an intimidating and overwhelming process, if not carefully planned. For many, the decision to file has come only after the realization that they can no longer stay the course and they need the court’s equitable intervention. Hopefully, an experienced bankruptcy attorney has assisted…

road options

A payday loan is a short-term loan in which a lender provides funds to a borrower in exchange for a post-dated check, which includes the loan principal, interest rate, and fee. The lender agrees to hold the check until the future date on which the check is dated. Many payday…

Under Florida state law, borrowers are given a 60-day grace period if they are unable to repay a payday loan on the date of scheduled repayment. To qualify for this grace period, borrowers must: (1) make an appointment with a credit counseling agency within seven days of the loan’s original…

payday loans

Most people know what a payday loan is. Payday loans, technically known as deferred presentment lending, involve a lender making an advance payment on a borrower’s post-dated check. In return for cash, the borrower provides this check typically dated as of the date of the borrower’s next paycheck. Most attorneys…


Unfortunately, many clients come to our office after a foreclosure auction arising out of a Final Judgment of Foreclosure wishing to save their home. These clients cannot file a bankruptcy since the sale already took place. However, not all is lost for the client. Under Fla. Stat. §45.031, a client…