

Don’t let the stigma of bankruptcy keep you from solving your financial problems! The experienced South Florida defense attorneys at Loan Lawyers are here to help you if your financial position necessitates the consideration of a bankruptcy case filing under Chapter 7, 11, or 13. To schedule a free consultation…

credit counseling

The bankruptcy counseling and debtor education requirements were supposedly enacted to ensure that consumers have exhausted all other options, and to reduce the likelihood of a second visit to bankruptcy court. Some would say these requirements were enacted as a result of powerful banking industry lobbyists trying to make bankruptcy…

street signs

The experienced South Florida defense attorneys at Loan Lawyers are here to review a difficult financial situation to assess all of your available options. Our Fort Lauderdale debt relief attorneys help individuals with financial problems that cause hardship. When a court renders a decision, it does so in the form…


Consumers who believe their credit has been damaged should probably obtain a full credit file disclosure, which is different than a credit report since it may contain additional information. Once this disclosure is received and reviewed, any mistakes may be disputed with the credit reporting agencies reporting false or incorrect…