

You might not have guessed it, but litigating a lawsuit involves a balance between knowing when to fight and knowing when to strike a deal. If you fight over every minor issue, you might gain some traction and further your case, but you also run the risk of burning some…

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Following up on the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit holding, which stated that black letter contract law does not allow a party to revoke consent under the TCPA without the consent of the counterpart to the contact. Reyes v. Lincoln Automotive Fin. Servs., No. 16-2104 (2d…


Loan Lawyers, LLC is licensed to practice law in the state of Florida. If you have a legal matter that you would like to discuss and you are NOT located in Florida, please contact your state’s Bar Association to get the information of a lawyer that can assist you in…


The Fort Lauderdale foreclosure defense lawyers at Loan Lawyers, LLC are licensed to practice law in the state of Florida. If you have a legal matter that you would like to discuss and you are NOT located in Florida, please contact your state’s Bar Association to get the information of…


When you purchase a car on a loan from a bank or other creditor, you do so under an agreement that you will ensure the vehicle is protected to prevent serious losses as well as make payments with interest until the balance of the loan is paid off. However, when…


When you borrow money to attend school, you’ll need to pay it back, with interest. But what happens when you can’t make your monthly payments? After a certain amount of time, your loan will go into default, which can carry heavy consequences. To help you better understand why you should…

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If you discover you’ve been the victim of identity theft, you’ll face quite a bit of uncertainty. It’s difficult to tell when someone might try to use your identity fraudulently (if they haven’t already), so you need to protect yourself. Fortunately, recovering from identity theft and defending your identity may…