
a man hand using calculator and laptop for calculating finance

If you have a credit card, you may have been asked if you would like to purchase credit insurance for it. Sometimes, credit insurance is beneficial. It can help you avoid debt collectors and creditors filing a lawsuit against you and potentially garnishing your wages or obtaining a judgment against…

Refinance your Florida home to avoid foreclosure

The COVID-19 pandemic has ravaged homeowners and business owners alike and has placed many in fear of losing their homes or operating spaces. Throughout the country, the delinquency rate currently stands at 6.3 percent, nearly double the 3.8 percent rate the country saw just one year ago. However, experts are…

mortgage forbearance in Florida

Millions of homeowners across America have received a mortgage forbearance for their home loans.  Although many homeowners have had their forbearance plans expire already, many are still in a forbearance plan.  During the period of forbearance, a homeowner is not required to make monthly mortgage payments.  The CARES Act passed…

South Florida homes at risk of foreclosure

Foreclosure filings are down around the country. That is not all that surprising, as the moratorium on federally-backed mortgages is still in place and approximately 80 percent of homeowners hold this type of mortgage. Still, for those in Florida, the news is grim, as the Sunshine State continues to post…

If you are facing foreclosure, know that all hope is not lost. You have the right to hire an attorney to represent you and help you protect your rights to your property. Whether you are looking for a loan workout, are looking to avoid a deficiency judgment, if you suspect…

judge gavel & house model at courtroom

Thousands of American homeowners face the daunting issue of foreclosure every year. If you’re dealing with a foreclosure yourself, you’re not alone. In particular, Florida residents have experienced some of the most alarming foreclosure rates in the country over the past decade. Florida has reported the highest foreclosure rate in…