
Hurricane Milton is expected to be the ‘storm of the century,’ and over 5.5 million people were urged to vacate Florida’s western coast. Many of these people may return to a severely damaged home, or complete loss of property. Those who chose to stay may witness the damage firsthand themselves….

scam alert sign

If your home was recently foreclosed on, you may be surprised to discover that surplus funds are available after the foreclosure sale and that those unclaimed foreclosure funds belong to you. If you’ve been contacted by someone offering to help you claim those funds, those funds may very well be…

couple with a foreclosure notice

Sometimes, a bank or mortgage company may pursue foreclosure against a borrower despite knowing or consciously disregarding that it lacks a legal basis to foreclose. Can you sue a mortgage company for emotional distress caused by a wrongful foreclosure? When a mortgage company intentionally or recklessly pursues a foreclosure, including…

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Of all the different types of bankruptcy filed in Florida, Chapter 7 is one of the most common. Unlike other types of bankruptcies, Chapter 7 allows you to discharge, or eliminate, all or most of your debt. A bankruptcy trustee will be assigned to your case and will oversee the…

bankruptcy books

Bankruptcy is a last resort for many people. Still, it may be the right option for you if you are struggling with significant amounts of debt that you are unable to repay. The bankruptcy process can become complex and the laws are always changing. It is for these reasons that…

married couple in Florida

If you or your spouse is carrying a significant amount of debt and are thinking about filing for bankruptcy, you likely have many questions. Should you and your spouse file bankruptcy together? Can you file for different types of bankruptcy? If only your spouse files bankruptcy, how will it affect…

foreclosure house for sale sign

If you have fallen behind on your mortgage payments with Select Portfolio Servicing, Inc., the company may have already threatened you with foreclosure. While this is very stressful, it is important that you do not panic. You may have many legal options and they could potentially even save your home….

Sign: foreclosure bank owned

Servis One, Inc. is a company that does business as BSI Financial Services. The company has its headquarters in Irving, Texas, but they do business throughout the country, including right here in Florida. BSI Financial Services is a mortgage servicing company and not the original owner of mortgage loans. This…