
a home at a foreclosure auction and a gavel

If you have fallen behind on mortgage payments on your business’s commercial property, your lender or mortgage holder may send you notice of default or intent to foreclose, warning you that your business is facing foreclosure. With your business’s financial health and future at risk, you need to know what…

Stacked coins, calendar with marked deadline and calculator

Debt lawsuits are filed every day in Broward County, but some debt collectors are more likely to file than others. CVI SGO Co Acquisition Trust is one of the most aggressive debt collectors in the Sunshine State, and throughout the entire country. If you have received notice that this company…

man sitting on the floor, reviewing credit card bills and debt collection papers from Hayt, Hayt & Landau

Loan Lawyers, LLC is licensed to practice law in the state of Florida. If you have a legal matter that you would like to discuss and you are NOT located in Florida, please contact your state’s Bar Association to get the information of a lawyer who can assist you in…

man sitting in a chair reviewing a Florida debt collection lawsuit

Of all the debt collectors in Florida and throughout the rest of the country, Surf Consultants is just one. Still, this company aggressively pursues debt that has not been paid by borrowers and to do this, they will often file lawsuits against debtors. If you have received a summons or…


Our client came to us with a pending garnishment against his paychecks by a creditor that had obtained a judgment for more than $150,000.00 against him. Given the large balance at issue, our client knew that he would never be able to pay the debt in full. Furthermore, the judgment…