When you have debts that you can no longer afford to pay, sometimes the best option for improving your financial situation is bankruptcy. Although many people are hesitant about filing for bankruptcy, the truth is that there is no reason to be ashamed or embarrassed about doing so. A Florida bankruptcy attorney on your side can make you feel more confident about your choice to file for bankruptcy.
The purpose of bankruptcy, a right afforded by the U.S. Constitution, is to allow businesses and individuals who are struggling financially to receive a “clean slate” and live debt-free. Bankruptcy law is incredibly complex. As a result, filing for bankruptcy can be a daunting process. For decades, the Florida bankruptcy defense attorneys at Loan Lawyers have been helping individuals and businesses pursue bankruptcy, to obtain a fresh start and save the assets and property that are most important to them.
Contact a bankruptcy lawyer at Loan Lawyers in Florida for a free and confidential review of your financial problems. We can provide advice about your bankruptcy case. Reach our experienced bankruptcy defense lawyers at (954) 807-1361.
How Can a Bankruptcy Attorney Help Me?
Bankruptcy is a powerful tool, so it must be used in the right way, and only when necessary. Our bankruptcy attorneys take the time to ensure that clients are advised of all available options for bankruptcy relief. Unlike other firms that treat all bankruptcy cases the same way, pushing every client to simply file for bankruptcy, at Loan Lawyers, we strive to find the debt relief solution that will put you in the best position for a fresh financial start.
If bankruptcy is the best option for you, our experienced bankruptcy defense attorney will help you seek the best possible outcome. But if other bankruptcy relief options might lead to a better result for you, our attorney will advise you of those opportunities and help you pursue them.
Bankruptcy Lawyer Explains the U.S. Bankruptcy Code
The U.S. Bankruptcy Code is organized into several chapters, each of which provides different kinds of bankruptcy for various types of debtors. The best bankruptcy lawyers in Florida can help you discover exactly which option will work for your situation.
The most commonly used chapters of the Bankruptcy Code are:
- Chapter 7, which is a liquidation bankruptcy, is used by any debtor who wishes to liquidate – or sell off – their assets, generating cash to pay off debts. A business that undergoes Chapter 7 liquidation typically ceases operations upon entering bankruptcy.
- Chapter 11, allows a business to undergo a reorganization of its operations and finances while still continuing its day-to-day operations.
- Chapter 13, which is the reorganization process available to individuals.
Other chapters of the Bankruptcy Code provide avenues of bankruptcy to specific types of debtors, such as farm owners or municipalities. To learn more, contact our bankruptcy attorney for a free consultation.
If I Cannot Afford to Pay My Mortgage How Can I Afford to Hire a Lawyer?
The truth is that it is often substantially cheaper to fight the foreclosure then to let the bank take the home away. By doing nothing, the bank may be able to take the home in a few months leaving you with moving costs and rent, often at a substantially less attractive living situation than you are currently experiencing. Not only that, but by walking away from the home, you may be subject to the bank suing you further on down the road for a deficiency judgment if you owe more than what your house is worth.
We have not only kept thousands of homeowners in their homes for years without paying their mortgages, but also have helped them procure substantial principal reductions enabling them to have significantly lower mortgage payments that they can afford. In addition, we sue banks for many violations under TILA, RESPA, FDCPA, FCCPA, FDUTPA, and other statutes, and have frequently recovered homeowners more money than what they have to pay us in legal fees. Furthermore we offer reduced legal fees and payment plans, charging homeowners in South Florida a fraction of what rent would cost.
If I file bankruptcy, will my credit be ruined?
Under the right circumstances, bankruptcy is an excellent tool that can and should be used to help homeowners. Fear of the ability to get credit should not be a determining factor in stopping someone from filing for bankruptcy. Nothing impacts a credit score more than missing mortgage payments, and after several missed mortgage payments the credit is already significantly reduced. In fact, most people that are in the position to file bankruptcy have already had their credit lowered to about as bad as it will get. On the contrary, after filing for bankruptcy you can then start fresh and begin rebuilding credit again.
How Long to Rebuild Credit After Bankruptcy?
While there is no exact amount of time, remember that credit card companies and other entities that issue credit make their money by extending credit, and thus are eager to put people back into the borrowing chain. We have had clients receive offers from credit card companies in as little as a year after filing for bankruptcy.
Will My Spouse Be Affected by My Individual Bankruptcy Filing?
A spouse is not affected by a bankruptcy if they did not sign an agreement for the debt. The answer to this question really depends on how the debt is held and who is responsible for it. It is not uncommon for only one spouse to file for bankruptcy. Prior to either spouse filing for bankruptcy, a consultation should be made with an experienced bankruptcy attorney who can go through all of the debt issues with you and give you the proper legal advice.
Click if you’re wondering if you can file bankruptcy without your spouse.
Can I be fired from my job if I file bankruptcy?
No. Under U.S.C. Section 525, an employer cannot discriminate against you due to you filing for bankruptcy.
What Is Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?
Chapter 7 of the Bankruptcy Code governs the process of liquidation under the bankruptcy laws. Chapter 7 is the most common form of bankruptcy. In the liquidation process, most or all of a debtor’s assets are sold off to generate cash that is then used to pay the debtor’s creditors. The debtor’s debts are thereby eliminated, giving the debtor a fresh start. The liquidation process under Chapter 7 can differ slightly, depending on whether the debtor is a business or an individual.
When a business files for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, the bankruptcy court will appoint a trustee. The business must cease operations, unless the trustee chooses to continue operations. The trustee will make an accounting of the business’ financial affairs, and will then begin selling the business’ assets, distributing the proceeds to the business’ creditors. However, a business’ debts are not technically discharged at the close of a Chapter 7 case, and continue to exist until the applicable statute of limitations expires.
When an individual files for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, unless their debt is primarily not consumer debt, they must meet the means test to demonstrate their eligibility for Chapter 7. A debtor automatically meets the means test if their household income (the income being earned by all individuals in the debtor’s household, not just the debtor’s income) is less than the median household income in the state where the debtor files for bankruptcy. Otherwise, a debtor’s disposable income must not exceed a specified floor amount or portion of their debts. If it does, a debtor can only seek a Chapter 7 bankruptcy if they establish “special circumstances,” such as additional expenses, loss of income, or medical emergency.
An individual is allowed to exempt certain property from liquidation in Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Upon emerging from bankruptcy, most of the individual’s unsecured debts are discharged (with certain exceptions, such as student loans or domestic support obligations).
What Is Chapter 13 Bankruptcy?
Chapter 13 bankruptcy is the process by which an individual is allowed to undertake a “reorganization” of their finances. An individual can seek Chapter 13 bankruptcy when they have sufficient income to make payments to their creditors under a repayment plan.
In a Chapter 13 proceeding, the debtor begins making payments to a trustee appointed by the bankruptcy court. The debtor must also present the court with a proposed repayment plan lasting either three or five years. The plan must be approved by the debtor’s creditors. It can also be approved by the bankruptcy court, over the objections of creditors, so long as the plan meets the requirements under Chapter 13.
Under a Chapter 13 repayment plan, a debtor can:
- Consolidate debts
- Cure arrearages on mortgages or other long-term debts
- Avoid “underwater” loans
- Pay back taxes over time
- Partially repay unsecured debt
If the debtor makes all payments required under the repayment plan and meets other requirements, the bankruptcy court can discharge outstanding debts, including some debts that cannot be discharged in a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Chapter 13 bankruptcy also has the benefit of allowing a debtor to keep most or all of their property and assets – which would sold off in a Chapter 7 liquidation – even though the debtor’s creditors are likely to receive less than the outstanding balances owed by the debtor.
What Is Chapter 11 Bankruptcy?
Chapter 11 bankruptcy allows businesses, whether organized as corporations, partnerships, or sole proprietorships, as well as individuals in certain situations, to undertake reorganization of operations and finances. Businesses typically file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy when they are no longer able to service debts or pay creditors, but when the business can still be reorganized and made profitable again. Unlike Chapter 7 bankruptcy, the debtor remains in control of the business and its operations as a debtor-in-possession, unless the court appoints a trustee.
As in a Chapter 13 bankruptcy, a Chapter 11 debtor is required to file a plan of reorganization with the court. A plan of reorganization is effectively a compromise between the debtor and their creditors. The plan sets forth how the debtor intends to reorganize operations to become profitable again and how the debtor proposes to repay creditors. The plan will also propose to reject and cancel certain contracts known as executory contracts, or those in which both parties still have duties to perform. Examples of executory contracts include collective bargaining agreements, vendor contracts, and real estate leases.
If all creditors approve the plan of reorganization, it is usually approved by the bankruptcy court. In a process known as cramdown, the bankruptcy court can approve the plan over the objection of certain creditors, provided the plan still meets the requirements of Chapter 11. Although a debtor has the exclusive right to propose a plan at the outset of the proceedings, if a plan is not adopted by a certain time, any party with an interest in the proceedings may propose an alternative plan.
Why Choosing the Right Bankruptcy Lawyer Could Change Your Life
Thinking about filing a bankruptcy. Let me tell you why choosing the wrong bankruptcy law firm can cost you 1000s or even hundreds of 1000s of dollars. Way too often people wind up with bankruptcy law firms though don’t take the time to properly review the entire debt situation and look to see if their clients’ rights have been violated by banks, debt collectors or credit card companies.
There are multiple state and federal regulations that exist to protect consumers rights. Imagine filing a bankruptcy only to find out later or maybe even never know that you had a case worth over $100,000 against a debt collector for fraud that is now forever gone because you file that bankruptcy.
Countless times people have come to loan lawyers from other bankruptcy law firms and we were able to recover 10s even hundreds of 1000s of dollars for them for consumer fraud and get them completely out of debt without having to ever file a bankruptcy.
So, if you’re considering filing for bankruptcy, don’t risk losing out on the possibility of collecting 1000s of dollars or more if your rights had been violated. Call Loan Lawyers now for free debt elimination consultation.
We’ve eliminated over $100 million dollars in consumer debt recovered over $20 million for our clients for debt collector violations. And we fought more than 6000 people eliminate debt and restore peace of mind. Call us now at (888)344-4813 or visit us on the web at https://www.fight13.com/
Why Bankruptcy May Not Be the Best Option When You’re Sued for Debt
Let me tell you why bankruptcy may not be the best option if you’re being sued for a debt. Now bankruptcy is an effective tool to get out of debt. But there are reasons that it should be used strategically and only as a last resort. For once you file bankruptcy, you may not be able to file again for eight years. So, you want to make sure that it is the right situation. Plus, if you’re behind on your mortgage, and you file for bankruptcy, you might end up losing your home.
Additionally, if you’re being contacted by debt collectors, they may be violating the law and you may be entitled to collect money from them. But if you file bankruptcy, you may lose that right? Not only that, there are often better tools to get out of debt and potentially recover money if the debt collector has violated any laws.
So, if you’re thinking about filing bankruptcy, you should speak to a law firm that helps people get out of debt in other ways as well, not just the bankruptcy. Call Loan Lawyers TODAY FOR FREE consultation. We’ve eliminated over $100 million in debt and recovered over $20 million for our clients for debt collector violations. And if helped more than 6000 people eliminate debt and restore peace of mind. Call us today at (888)344-4813 for your free consultation.
You Should Hire a Lawyer That Has Experience with Debt Relief, Not Just Bankruptcy
If you’re struggling with any type of debt or you’re being sued for debt, let me tell you why you should only hire an attorney that has experience in many different areas of debt relief. As the old adage goes, if you’re a hammer, the whole world looks like a nail. Too often, when people have debt issues, they wind up in a law firm that only handles bankruptcy, or only handles that defense or only handles that negotiation. Whatever the case is, these people often wind up with a solution that’s best for the lawyer, not necessarily for the client.
It’s essential for law firms who practice in debt matters to have a thorough understanding and experience and multiple areas of debt, including but not limited to bankruptcy, debt negotiation, debt, defense, debt litigation, the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, and the Telephone Consumer Practices Act just to name a few. There are many variables with debt and the right solution for one person isn’t necessarily the right solution for somebody else.
So, if you’re struggling to pay your bills, or you’ve been sued for debt, there are many practical and affordable ways to get out of debt. And you may be even entitled to money for debt collector violations.
Call Loan Lawyers now for your free consultation. We’ve eliminated over $100 million in debt recovered over $20 million for our clients for debt collection violation laws. And they’ve helped more than 6000 people eliminate debt and restore peace of mind.